Razberry på RPi

Om du vill sätta upp en Razberry från Z-Wave.Me med en RPi på Raspbian Stretch gör du så här:

Installera stretch enligt andra guider, kom ihåg att koppla in GPIO i raspi-config.

Installera Z-Way-servern från SSH-terminalen:
wget -q -O - support.zwave.eu/libs | sudo bash
wget -q -O - razberry.z-wave.me/install | sudo bash

Källa: https://forum.z-wave.me/viewtopic.php?f=3419&t=28787#p76511

kolla sedan om servern är igång med:

systemctl status z-way-server

sudo reboot

Anslut lokalt med 192.168.X.YYY:8083

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Du kommer sedan till ett välkommenfönster:
Med följande text:

Welcome to your Smart Home
This interface allows managing your Smart Home equipped with interconnected Z-Wave devices. It will show every function of the device as one single Element (In case a physical device has multiple functions like switching and metering – it will generate multiple elements). All elements are listed in the Element View and can be filtered by function type (switch, dimmer, sensor) or other filtering criteria.

Each Element has an Element Configuration Dialog to rename it or to hide it in case was created but it is not needed. Important elements can be marked to be shown in the Dashboard. Additionally the elements can be grouped into rooms.

Every change of a sensor value or a switching status is called an Event and is shown in the Timeline. Filtering allows monitoring the changes of one single function or device.

All other functions such as time triggered actions, the use of information from the Internet, scenes plugin of other technologies and service are realized in Apps. These apps can create none, one or multiple new elements and events. The menu
allows downloading, activating and configuring your Apps.

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